Home Lifestyle Dubai Life Coach Lee Levy since 2006 : Post-Vacation Blues

Dubai Life Coach Lee Levy since 2006 : Post-Vacation Blues


There is a common phenomenon on individuals having an increased levels of enthusiasm for their annual or period vacations alone or collectively with mates and or family. Ironically, there is also the exact phenomena on having to return to your daily livelihoods.

Based on my experience, knowledge and understanding of life coaching individuals worldwide for more than 25 years with years being in Dubai as the first Official Life Coach, I share the following elegantly with you.

Happiness has an expiry, as its always tied to a person, place or thing. Ever hear yourself expressing excitement for the following:

– A new Car

– A holiday

– New watch or dream jewellery

– New Apartment / Villa / Home

– New partner

It is such an paradox in having participated and committed your time to travel and enjoy the environments you allowed yourself to be, then return to be unhappy.

You see all the above are limited to time and over time the novelty certainly wears off, this is a human condition and habitual over a long period of time. What you should be striving for is Ultimate Joy and this is to be joyous without and before you have a reason. To attain this level of energy vibration balance, its crucial to have structure and rituals to your life and journey.

Especially returning to your reality after a long break, immediately write a structure to your day and weeks ahead for one month at a time.

Often I am asked whether this daily structure can change?

My reply remains:

Be flexible with your structure though don’t be lazy and adjust accordingly. With structure, you create consistency and consistency certainly encourages shape and form at your life. It also removes any ‘dead moments’ of idle by the mind. When the mind idles, it empowers your ego and the only job of your ego is to create illusional happiness. The ego will have you question the purpose of your structure and before you know, you have abandoned your belief systems.

Post holidays, its crucial to also not be jumping onto a scale to weight yourself with full intention to self-critique on how much weight you have added and or stand in front of the mirror and judge your vessel (body). You see its so easy to negative self-talk, so easy to judge yourself and yet when you do well, you waiting for another to compliment you instead of clapping for yourself and celebrate your daily, tiny wins or huge ones, depending.

Repeatedly, I remind my delegates at seminars worldwide when speaking on wellness, that it is crucial to speak to you like you speak to people you meet at an event for the first time. Remember how nice you are to these people, well you matter more than them any day, any time. This is called self-love.

So back to the structure its crucial to consider to create a structure that starts from the moment you wake-up to the time you enter your beautiful rest in the evening. Here are a few guidelines for writing a structure:

Morning Structure

Here you will outline your morning activities, which includes time of waking up, exercising, meditating, praying, dressing and journalling.

Meal Times

This will include times for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as snacks, coffee, smoothies etc


Plan short breaks to rest and recharge, including time for walks or relaxation.

Career or Study

Please schedule specific times for focused work or study sessions. Break these into manageable segments (e.g., 30 minutes to 45 minutes) with short breaks in between.

Afternoon Activities

Important to schedule any meetings, errands, or tasks that need to be accomplished in the afternoon which includes time for you to do nothing.

Reflection or Planning

Crucial to reserve time at the end of the day to reflect on what you have completed and accomplished while creating form and plans for the next day’s improvement.

Evening Routine

This is an important time of your day and that is that you don’t delay getting to bed due to unhealthy social media surfing or Netflix binge watching. Your life requires your consistent commitment and dedication to recharge so you can keep living your best life the next day and the next. So allow time for praying, reading and quality time with family.

And last though not the least, is YOUR FITNESS AND LEVEL OF COMMITMENT hereto.

All over social media you will read and see posts that encourages discipline and how discipline will take you places that motivation and inspiration wont.

That’s not incorrect though discipline will make you participate in activity that does not FEEL authentically good at the time which in essence means you are self-sabotaging your soul. When you fully understand the reasons, you do what you do, the long terms benefits of your exercise activity, you will be motivated to daily particate in your physical training and development WITH an overwhelming feeling of greatness. (which way is better and serves your higher self-longer?)

The above is merely a recommendation so you can add or remove as you deem important to your structure.

Highly recommended to add a cold shower in the morning and definitely in the evening as well. The benefits of cold showers are briefed below for your perusal:

Immediately releases all negative toxic energy

– Increases the body metabolism

– Increased release of testosterone

– Nourishes the skin

– Conditions the hair

So let’s go and increase our journey with a highly committed and dedicated structure to expand our energies, increasing vitality and increasing our journey to ultimate joy.

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