With Phenomenal, Explosive Energy & Passion
Now Transforming Lives in Qatar as Well
What is a life coach?
Thank you for asking, allow me to share my informed opinion in a simplified manner.
Life coaching is a process of understanding the discomforts of an individual and gradually initiate mechanisms, skills and guidance that encourages healing and balancing of the journey at life.
Please Share your Journey as a accredited and renowned number 1 Life Coach in Dubai:
Thank you for your interest at my high vibrational and deep meaning and purposeful life as Dubai Life Coach.

For purpose of simplicity, I arrived in Dubai in 2006 and whilst having a substantial profile of business interests in South Africa as well as London to expand my spiritual journey. At the time of arriving in Dubai, Life Coaching was not even a topic to be spoken about so the industry was at its infancy stage. (Pretty much like Qatar today). Back then it was unthinkable for any Arab National to be speaking about their life discomforts with a total stranger, let alone pay for such a service.
Alhamdulillah I am extremely blessed that my initial clients back then, were 70% Emirati Royal Family members who instantly took to my energy, the passion I have for what I do and the direct approach infusing spirituality with my religious beliefs as a Muslim. Immediately opened a company that over a short period expanded into corporate training and development facility as well.
We would do staff assessments and offer clients solutions to the weaknesses we find within their companies. Naturally speaking, whilst doing the one-on-one assessments, I create a connection with the staff, a connection of the highest integrity with them trusting me with speaking about their discomforts and or life traumas. Majority of these beautiful souls would sign up for personal coaching and when they find their Joy, they tell others. So my name and reputation spread extremely fast and wide over the shortest period.

We developed Dubai real estate training and development program that today 17 years later are still the leading Dubai real estate training , development and recruitment company in Dubai – UAE.
In addition, I regularly conduct seminars on various topics ranging as below:
🔹 Spirituality
🔹 Relationships
🔹 Marriage
🔹 Career Development
🔹 Employee Assist Programs
🔹 Dubai Real Estate Masters’ Program
🔹 Sales & Marketing
🔹 Social Media Training & Development
🔹 Hospitality – Hotel Training Programs
🔹 Food & Beverage (Restaurants Cafes )
🔹 Addictive Behavioural workshops
🔹 Health & Wellness Seminars to Health & Fitness Coaches
🔹 Parenting | Single Parenting | Joint Parenting
🔹Management Training & Development Programs
This year of 2023, we have accepted much more international interest for my presence in various parts of the world for either guest speaking at events and or seminars on selected topics above which has escalated to 120 seminars since we started in February 2023.
What is your opinion of Life Coach industry as a whole?
Thank you for the opportunity to finally express myself on this topic in a manner that should create clarity to those who ‘Practicing’ or thinking of becoming a Life Coach.
We live in a society that being a Life Coach is the go to place when you don’t know what else do as a ‘job’. It’s also a great topic of discussion at parties and events when someone has just started in the industry. The challenge is that you can now buy a ‘Life Coach’ certification online for $20 and you only require 5 hours of training. There is also an illusional belief that you can be a life coach after you survive a marriage, heavy break up, lost a loved one to death and or have had a tough life and have survived.
There are more fake life coaches in the industry worldwide than you could actually imagine. Social media doesn’t make it any easier, especially when you a woman, pretty face with a strong body. Doesn’t matter what you say, people will like it, follow you and create an environment that someone who really requires deep counselling, chooses the incorrect life coach. Recently here in Qatar on a prestigious online digital platform, one of Qatar ‘better known Life Coaches” gave career and personal advice as below:
She Said: “When you want to know your strength and weaknesses, you must ask all your friends”.
I actually regurgitated in my mouth as I heard this that I had to go back to listen to this a few more times. I am not sure what is worst, the fact that she said it or the fact that this very popular platform actually published it on their Instagram and other platforms.
What happens when your friends have their own traumas, their own challenges how they going to be able to offer you a healthy opinion?
They will project their traumas through their opinion of you.
Rule one of Life coaching:
To find your worth, you have to enter the self for answers. There is a process for this and it’s not an overnight process, it takes time though the results are worthy.

What motivated you to establish a branch office of Dubai Life Coach in Doha | Qatar?
Thank you for your interest in what motivated me to open a branch of Dubai Life Coach in Qatar called DOHA LIFE COACH LLC considering we have had a substantial amount of requests from other GCC countries.
We are not a liberty to disclose who invited us though we are grateful that there are beautiful Qatari souls who have observed my team and I over a period of time. Alhamdulilah we have been coaching a substantial amount of Qatari Nationals as well as advised on a few real estate developers and real estate agencies here in Qatar who reached out for assistance.
What we are introducing to Qatar certainly is 17 years of uncompromising quality, integrity and experience to further solidify the success of the country. Unlike many other starter coaches, we have coached in excess of 20 000 beautiful souls in Dubai over the years of various nationalities, religions, faiths and beliefs and Alhamdulillah we have achieved 100% at every level.
What further motivated us to expand into Qatar, is that Life Coaching industry is relatively fresh and we believe we can offer the industry a substantial amount of guidance, advice and further train and develop those who wish to enter into coaching the proper path forward with the highest integrity, standard and quality.

What changes would you like to see and or implement with your presence in Qatar?
Thank you for your interest in our objectives moving forward here in Qatar.
We believe that of the most important changes are to start at streamlining the quality of life coaches available in Qatar. This would assist any person who requires a life coach, the comfort of selecting a coach that has been approved by an independent establishment. We aim to ensure that the life coach industry standards are improved, quality of coaches are enhanced and to assist Qatar government to streamline a process for the above to successfully be implemented.
We have seen life coaches who are also nail technicians, mechanical engineers, fitness instructors and we can go on and on all day on this particular topic. You don’t find a Heart Surgeon who also does pedicures. Specialization and managing the quality the Qatar demands of everyone who visits or lives here is imperative and we are all able and willing to contribute to the path of perfection.
As for Corporate wellness, we have not seen any coaching structures with successful programs that would allow international brands to feel comfortable enough to engage with them. What we have seen is an error in selecting a ‘Coach’ to do staff motivation presentations where the tone of the speaker is monotone. Coaches have to learn to be honest and only accept requests based on their authentic ability. Going into a motivational workshop and people are yawning on the videos, looking at their mobiles are all contributing factors that does not enhance our industry.
On a more serious note, punctuality and returning calls seems to be a taboo topic that nobody is addressing the elephant in the room. There are zero awareness programs and or development programs for coaches and or Managers, Directors and or HR Managers to important contributing factors like this.
Recently at one of the top hotel brands we encouraged by the staff to do event at their venue and on the last minute we will to change to this particular venue. At the meeting the Marketing Staff member took my card and said she’ll email the approval in a few minutes. Two hours 13 minutes later, we were still waiting only to discover she had gone home while entire production team, make-up artists etc were waiting till way after 10pm.
Being in Dubai for 17 years certainly does spoil a person that you are assured of the highest levels of services and standards from hotels, restaurants etc so yes, we are certainly open to meet with restaurants, cafes and especially hotels to increase the quality of their levels of services. The competition in these industries are extremely strong in Dubai so one could say their hand is forced to deliver the highest quality of consistent services though that is no excuse for any hotel worldwide to not follow this.
How to tell when someone needs a life coach?
Thank you for your one of the most important questions of this interview on understanding when a life coach is required.
Based on my informed opinion and substantial experience as the Top Dubai Life Coach, when the capacity of an individual to take informed decisions are reducing over a period of time, they are less like able to sustain their inner peace and loving themselves. When your coping mechanisms have failed, you can’t choose a meal off a menu, you can’t even choose which movie to watch let alone be able to do clothing shopping at the malls on your own.
Further to this, when you are not sleeping well because your head is in a constant state of overthinking, over analysing and over assessing, you are creating anxiety, tension and stress in your life. In addiction also when you are constantly searching for others to agree with you, searching for approvals, acceptance, validations and others meet your needy requirements.
How to select a Life Coach?
Thank you for your expressed concern at requirements for selecting a life coach.
When selecting a life coach, it’s easier today than a few years ago. All you have to do is read the social media, website of the coaches that you are considering. About 90% of coaches copy and paste content from other Platforms onto theirs and write their name as though they created this. Yes this is plagiarism and I have actually discovered a substantial amount of coaches in Dubai and now Qatar doing the same.
Another red flag are these coaches creating videos with a thousands of pop ups of notes in different colours all over the screen. Life coaching is a serious industry that details the well-being of beautiful souls and individuals are treating life coaching like a marketing game. More red flags are coaches who are exposing their bodies either in gym, beach and or while buying new clothes. I am not sure who and where these individuals’ found information that approves this kind of behavior. When someone is going through difficulty, they don’t want know about your dog, cat, your holidays, your beautiful cars, your Gucci bags, your dinners etc.
Further you find a substantial amount of coaches lack authenticity at their journey so before selecting a coach, have a look at their websites, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and in general, Google their names and see what pops up.
What would be the highlight of your career as a Life Coach thus far be?
Thank you for your interest in my highest point of success.
I can comfortably say that there is no one particularly moment though a collective of continued moments. Every single person whom I have coached and they turn their lives around, these are highlights for me. Every single moment when I assist another healing their traumas and see how well they do at life thereafter, that’s more highlights.
And when I work with couples and they find their own higher self in the process regardless of whether they remain together or not, those are highlights too
When I receive calls at 3am in the morning and on the other side of the call is someone who is ready to take their life and called me (Alhamdulilah by GODS will) and we manage to recreate their journey. There are way too many of these to even count and yes these are highlights too.
I am approached in public by individuals saying they were referred by a friend and they having been waiting patiently to meet me in person so they can work with me, those are highlights too.
And another beautiful highlight is the amount of calls I get daily with the following words:
‘Coach good morning..how are you?
Me: I’m Phhhhheeenomenaaaal!!(with my high energy voice)
Them: ‘ Ok thank you, just wanted to hear your voice now I can go to work”
From a Corporate perspective when CEOs of Top Real Estate Agencies in Dubai as well as Chairmen of large groups of companies turn to me for my opinion on removing a Director from the Board, retrenching HR Managers and or asking for strategic guidance on decision to opening additional offices or investing abroad, those are extreme highlights as well.
Walking into Nike store in Dubai Mall and searching for staff to assist me and finding 14 of them at the checkout counter listening to one of my Motivational Videos on Instagram, another highlight that brought tears to my eyes and soul.
Recently at Qatar City Scape Property exhibition on a few occasions while introducing myself to Qatar Government officials and even Sales Managers of Qatar Real Estate companies and before I can mention my name, they tell me who I am. (Alhamdulillah)
These are precious to me as well.
So my highlights are all the above and so much more with the 20 000 plus souls I have been blessed to cross paths with.
Upcoming events | seminars in Doha – Qatar
1. Dubai Real Estate Masters Program
2. How to become a Life Coach
3. Dubai Life Coach Training Academy – Life Coaching Masters Programs
4. How to manage Tension & stress
For more information on the above seminars, please email hayley@dubailifecoach.com
And finally Coach Lee, how do you manage to maintain that high energy and share a typical day for you please?
Thank you for your interest in the management of my energy
My day normally starts at waking at 04:00am of which the first thing is a cold shower. I follow this with my Fajr prayer and immediately after, take my Gratitude Journal and journalize ten of blessings. By doing this, you setting your intentions for a day filled with joy.
Thereafter, I normally cycle for about 45 minutes to return to another cold shower. I take my diary write 3-5 important tasks for the day. Breakfast normally is freshly squeezed carrot and ginger juice and then I attack my day with the highest level of gratitude and enthusiasm for my life.
I have one important motivating factor that keeps my energies optimal and that is my belief that my life and blessings are gifts from ALLAH (GOD) Alhamdulillah and how I live my life is a token of my gratitude to ALLAH. (GOD)
We thank you for taking the time to explore Dubai Life Coach Lee Levy journey through LLQ Lifestyle Magazine.
For your reference, you may contact Coach Lee as below:
Dubai Life Coach Lee Levy: +974 6688 5282
Email: lee@dubailifecoach.com
Instagram: @dubailifecoach_