Truth be told, the energy within all of us vibrates on a frequency and that frequency determines our moods, smiling, state of being in either creating limitless joys or tensions, mood swings, anger, hatred, criticism, judgment, constant complaining, and or simply living your best life. What we fail to understand is that the universe does not know right from left, good from bad, it only responds to our sincerity. Whatever you are most sincere at, certainly will amplify itself over time.

We have full authority on who we allow into our journey, who we engage with as this is not only a conversation, it’s also welcoming them into your beautiful souls. Your soul always knows the way, your soul is your life navigation that allow you to feel who is good for your higher self (spiritual energy) and who is not. Spiritual energy is the energy generated by the inner “self”. It is the part of us that religious people call the soul. The level of one’s energy is determined by our deeds and is triggered by our values, beliefs, boundaries and convictions. Our beliefs and values define who we are, why we live and what we perceive to be right or wrong based on our spiritual values we vibrate at. (our feelings)

The challenge is that you allow your head to analyse your feelings by giving others the benefit of the environment. Too often the exceptions are made in business and also when new relations are formed. The individual creates an environment of desperation and when you vibration is that of needy, you will certainly, without doubt, magnetize individuals who match that ‘needy’ energy.

The unification of these energy frequencies is destined to destruction whether it’s a day, a week, a month or more, this match is based on trauma. This is the reason why in business relations are, at most, limited to a short time. The number of return clients to consultants have drastically decreased over time as there is a need for generating commission at first oppose to creating good healthy relations. 

When the emphases are on relation building, the energy created between parties based on love, understanding, patience and are soft and comfortable with all parties respecting the boundaries and limitations of each other without imposing their needs into another.  When an individual believes, they are Entitled to respect from another, entitled to a good deal, entitled to be late for meetings, entitled to negotiate the commissions or professional fees and the others complies, it simply means that you have given your power away to match that of another. This is called self-sabotage at its highest level. The entitlement is normally without the other offering same to you.

When you don’t honour your highest self, you will suffer and have no right to be unhappy at all. You have given the other permission and authority over your energy vibration. Though you have access to your energy balancing which is defined as the state achieved when the energy intake equals energy expenditure. This concept may be used to demonstrate how body weight will change over time in response to changes in energy intake and expenditure. When the body is in energy balance, body weight is stable. So we can take this formula to our souls too that when we absorb good energy, we are able to disperse great energy within our own vibration.

I too believe that the mood you go to bed with, is the mood you wake up too. So when you find that your energies are depleted at the end of the day, consider the following:

– Cold shower

– Take your journal and write 3 x good experiences that you enjoyed that day

– Then write 5 blessings that you are grateful for in your life.

– End with journalizing your sincere intentions for the next day.

There is a universal belief that your energy flows where your attention go’s. So when you end your day with journaling good positive energy, your energy vibration changes to match your frequency. That certainly allows you to have a smooth evening at rest whilst waking the next morning, you WILL wake up feeling more blessed than the day before. So when you wake, again jump into a cold shower and after that, grab your journal again and write 5 things that you are grateful for and write your sincere intentions for that day.

Intentions in essence means:

What do you wish to achieve on this new, phenomenal day, new life and endless opportunities to recreate your life better than the day before. Remembering that your sincere intentions at the start of the day excludes how much money you wish to make.

That sincere intentions certainly will manifest itself when you pay attention to the whispers of your beautiful soul and you certainly will have a life that supports loving yourself deeper thus creating inner-peace.