Gulf Yachts Qatar has announced that the brand new Cranchi Z35 (2021) mini cruiser is now available in Doha.
This is a yacht that is packed with top-of-the-line features that make it the perfect mix for sport and luxury.
In addition to its sport style design, it also comes with an impressive interior that provides more comfort and luxury as it
includes two bedrooms, full kitchen, and a bathroom. As for the open deck it comes with a capacity for 12 passengers, and
a gorgeous light design starting with its teak floor, that extends to the comfortably premium seats and sun pads.
The yacht features an integrated sound system that is perfect for blasting music during onboard parties or listening to soft
music while cruising, a navigation system, a comprehensive lighting system, as well as a joystick for swift maneuvering.
Cranchi Z35 is an upgraded durable and sustainable yacht that was designed with the highest safety standards. It is ideal
for cruising at a regular speed of 26 knots and a maximum speed of 34.5 knots.
Commenting on this occasion, Edward Chacra, Executive Director of Gulf Yachts mentioned that the Italian Cranchi Yachts
are among the best-selling ones, especially after the great success of the previous award winning Cranchi T36 Crossover
that witnessed great success in Qatar, indicating that the customers have a good taste for owning such yachts of spectacular
quality. Most notably, Gulf Yachts has chosen custom made colors to add the luxurious touch in the world of marine sports
activities in Qatar, allowing the yacht owner to get a sense of independence and uniqueness.
Cranchi is a well-known brand with a history dating back to 150 years and offers yachts that are suitable to all tastes. Gulf
Yachts is proud to be the first in the Qatar and the Gulf region to have this unique yacht with all its colors and specifications.
Gulf Yachts, through its technical staff provides a 24/7 support line, during and after the warranty period.
Cranchi is the perfect boat to own this summer. Engage in fun marine activities with your family and loved one. You will be
in an awe of how unique and luxurious this boat really is.
For more information, please contact:
Gulf Yachts, Sales Department
Tel: +974 4414 6643
Mobile: +974 5581 3565