Home Lifestyle Dr. Nour Zoarob: Baby bottle tooth decay

Dr. Nour Zoarob: Baby bottle tooth decay


Did you know having healthy baby teeth can lead to healthy permanent teeth?

** What Is Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

This condition is when infants and toddlers experience tooth decay, most often in the upper front teeth.

One main cause is continuous exposure to sugary drinks. Another cause is putting the baby to bed with a bottle, or when a bottle is used as a pacifier when the baby is fussy.

** Signs of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay:

You can look for signs of decay on the gumline of their upper front teeth, where you might find white spots on the teeth


Preventing baby bottle tooth decay involves a mix of being aware of what you put in your baby’s mouth and maintaining simple routine care.

* After you feed your baby, wipe their gums clean with a damp washcloth or gauze pad.

* Avoid sharing saliva with your baby through spoons or pacifiers.

* When their teeth come in, brush them gently with a child-sized toothbrush and a grain of rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste.

* Use only formula, breast milk, or milk in your baby’s bottle, and avoid liquids like sugary juices or soft drinks.

* Make sure your infant finishes their bottles before bed and nap times.

* Ensure pacifiers are clean and not coated in sugar or honey.

* When breastfeeding, remove the nipple from the baby’s mouth once they’re asleep

** Treatment:

, toddler tooth decay reversal is possible, and enamel can be repaired, most notably through fluoride. But the first step is to contact your pediatrician or pediatric dentist. They’ll help you develop a treatment plan depending on your child’s age and severity of the condition.

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