Medical Mask – From Protection to Fashion Trend

Text by Perfect Look

A couple of months ago, a medical mask was nothing more than a doctor’s attribute, and today it is an obligatory part of any outfit even of the Queen of England.

“You have to wear”: – said government, “We will create”: – responded ART. – this is how a trend was born. Fashion of the 21st century is most of the time – reaction or reflection of current events.

And now, on TV screens and in the Instagram feed, there is one topic –  COVID-19 and protection from this universal pandemic.

The mask covers most of the face, leaving only eyes and forehead in sight.

Such thing not new to Muslim women who wear niqab, interesting that the rest of us also already  got used to the new accessory.

Whether you want it or not, clothes still give out your attitude to the world and character traits.

Profy on this field can “read” a lot about you in appearance even before you open your mouth to tell about yourself.

According to my observations on the city streets and on social networks, I would single out several types of masks as a way of self-expression:

 – “I don’t care, I don’t chase fashion” – such ladies wear simple medical masks from the pharmacy

 – “I’m interested in what’s on the fashionable Olympus” – colored masks of calm shades, with small elements of creativity

 – “I’m friends with a sense of humor” – animal faces, prints of smiles, unicorns and makeup on a mask

 – “Fashion victim” – rhinestones, patterns, chains, iron and all the hardships of designer’s flight

Quite often, difficult times gives a big push to talented people and they coming up with great ideas.

Italian designer Marco Castelli, being in isolation almost 40 days in Milan, came up with a whole creative campaign to support the morale of people stuck in reality “Home-Grocery-Pharmacy”.

“You can bend us – but you can’t break us”: says the masked image of the designer, referring to the Coronavirus pandemic.

The strength of the human spirit is symbolized by the flexible branches of Acacia – “camel acacia.

” This plant tolerates severe climatic conditions and even blooms.

Idea gone to fabric – masks now out to production and already been sold out in many countries.. In Ukraine, the designer of evening dresses Anna Voloshina sewed the first mask from the remnants of a chic guipure just for a friends.

They liked the idea so much that for the second month it became the main income of a woman, which allows not only to please citizens with creative masks, but also to cover the rent of her showroom, which is quite supportive in this hard times in retail business.

By the way, the LVMH and Kering fashion business instead of tailoring the Spring-Summer 2020 collection,  providing hospitals with masks, protective medical overalls and disinfectant gels, which are now produced instead of perfumes and clothes.

The initiative involves trademarks Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Guerlain, Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, Alexander McQueen, Brioni, Pomellato and others.

I will not be surprised if the fall-winter 2021 collections are deeply saturated with white and the medical theme in general.

I really wish to believe that the fashion for masks – it’s temporary. Such a fast-paced seasonal trend.

And then a new fashion for a smile will appear, which is better than even the most creative mask that hides it.

And let the design options remain in fashion museums as part of the history that we are experiencing now and which we already want so much to leave in the past!

Text by Perfect Look