Al Bahie’s eleventh edition of its much-anticipated fine carpets auction under the title ‘Woven Stories: Masterpiece carpets from 1870 to present’ was held on Wednesday 12th December at in Al Bahie’s main auction hall at Katara Cultural Village, Building 22c.
Comprising over seventy-five lots, the auction is one of the most important carpet auctions to take place in the region that features museum-level masterpiece carpets, both antique and newly produced from mid-19th century to present, by master weavers and important carpet producing workshops in Iran, Central Asia and Turkey. The focus on master weavers is central to this auction and the carpets that have come from over 10 different countries from important private collections have been expertly handpicked by the auction advisor, Mr. Khalil El Khansa, a renowned figure in the carpet industry in the region who also specializes in antique carpets.

The auction brings together carpets that are great examples of certain periods and the golden eras of carpet weaving in various cities across Iran, Central Asia and Turkey. The auction and the exhibition are also designed to be educational, exploring the meticulous and painstaking process of carpet weaving, how masterpiece carpets are produced, the variations of designs and materials in carpets from different cities and much more. An open conversation panel on masterpiece carpets with the carpet expert and auction advisor Mr. Khalil El Khansa was hosted at the preview opening that took place at Gallery 47 in Katara.

The auction is led by exceptional carpets such as the museum-level piece by the master weaver Ustaz Haji Mohatshem (Lot 77, An exquisite antique Kashan Mohtashem pure silk carpet, estimate $120,000 – $140,000), a rare piece by master weaver Ustaz Ismail Salari (Lot 59, A very rare and exquisite Tehran Qajar carpet, estimate $60,000 – $80,000), themesmerizing Dornama carpet by the master weavers Ustaz Asghar Qummiand Rasul Abbasi (Lot 1, A very fine and exquisite Isfahan Mantiq-ut-Tayr carpet, estimate $25,000 – $35,000) and a piece by the legendary master weaver from Isfahan, Sadiq Seriafian (Lot 26, The Legend Hunting Scene, estimate $50,000 – $70,000).
Al Bahie is pleased to offer these outstanding examples of great carpets, something we expect will spark a strong response from our local and international collectors and undoubtedly make it an incredible and unmissable opportunity for both seasoned and young collectors of carpets from the region and internationally.