Before starting the implant treatment, the patient undergoes a general examination. A panoramic or tomographic x-ray, if needed, is taken on the jaw in order to assess the condition of the jawbone and, the bone density on the location, where the implant is to be placed.
According to this radiographic and intraoral examination assessment, the length, width and location of the implant are definitely identified and, the operation stage is started. During the application, the bone is reached with a cut on the gum. The jaw bone is drilled according to the implant measurement and, the implant is screwed. The time for the implant procedure is about 15 to 25 minutes.
In case the bone density and amount is not suitable for the implant during the implant treatment, a bone graft application is performed and, it is waited for the ossification of the location and, the implants are placed after the ossification. In order to move to the prosthesis stage, the implant needs to be set with the jaw bone. The time for the completion of this stage may vary between 2 and 3 months. After the implant has been unified with the jaw bone, it is time to prepare the prosthesis. First, the dental measurement and the color matching are completed and then the dental prosthesis are prepared by the technician at the porcelain laboratories in a way that matches with the original teeth considering the cosmetic appearance; after the intraoral trials, the last shape is identified and, during the last stage, the prosthesis are placed by means of screwing or bonding on the implant.

Will I Feel Pain When The Implant Is Placed?
Local anesthesia is applied during the implant application. Therefore, no pain is felt. Most of the time, it is simpler even than the tooth extraction. One may feel some slight pain after the effect of anesthesia goes down following the completion of the implant procedures. Many patients report that this pain is less than the pain experienced after the tooth extraction. Pain killers may be taken to handle with this pain. Otherwise, the dentist must be contacted.
Is There A Risk That The Implant Is Rejected By The Body?
There is no such thing that the implants are not accepted by the organism. There is no known adverse effect or allergic reaction caused by the implants on human body. It is not possible for the body to produce antigens against and reject them, which may happen during the heart and kidney transplantations.
What Are The Medical Problems That May Prevent The Use Of Implants?
Excessive Cigarette Consumption
Smoking may cause the formation of bacterial plaque in the mouth and increase the risk of infection. Carbon monoxide and toxic effects of smoking may have negative impacts on the unification of the implant with the bone. It is recommended that smoking implant patients cease to smoke 15 days before the treatment and, for up to 1 month after the treatment.
Patients with diabetes not under control are among the risky groups in respect of implant procedures. Tissue healing in patients with diabetes is a slow process, which increases the risk of infection. The surgical operation area is kept as small as possible for patients with diabetes. It is very important for patients with diabetes to maintain mouth hygiene after the completion of the implant treatment. Patients with diabetes should regularly attend the periodic controls by their dentists.
Heart Condition
Implant procedures should not be started before the medical consultation of the patient with their physicians.
Those with Hypertension
Overreaction may occur for the patients with hypertension in case of pain and stress. In case of overreaction against stimulus, the blood pressure may acutely increase during the dental treatment, which may result in congestive heart failure and complications such as paralysis, bleeding etc. in rare cases. Therefore, before the dental treatment for patients with hypertension, the blood pressure should be measured and, in case of any suspicion, the respective physicians should be consulted with.
Blood Coagulation Disorders
Implant will not be placed for patients with blood coagulation disorders.
Is There Any Age Limit For The Implant Applications?
Implant is directly related to the quality and amount of the jaw bone. Therefore, implant is not placed for any patient whose bone development has not been completed yet. The bone development is completed after 15 to 16 years for women while it takes 17 to 18 years for men. While there is a lower age limit in respect of bone development for the implant treatment, there is no upper age limit. There is no objection to the performance of the implant treatment for those who are well up in years if they are in good health condition and there is a sufficient amount of jaw bones.
What Should Be Done For A Good Oral Health Care After The Implant?
Oral hygiene is essential to protect the original teeth and implants. It should be attached importance to the oral care within the first 2 days after the completion of the implant treatment. One should avoid any movement that may cause intraoral pressure. One should not gargle for the entire period of 1 day after the implant has been placed. There are some points that need to be considered in respect of tooth brushing and use of dental flosses during the first days of the treatment: once should move as smooth as possible during these actions. A regular and careful cleaning of the formation of dental plaques will have an impact on the long term success of the operation. After the completion of the prosthesis operation, you will be recommended by your dentists and their assistants about the methods and products for the oral care. In addition to these practices you are supposed to follow, we recommend you revisit our clinic once every six months even if you have no complaint.